Thursday, June 19, 2008

Final Thoughts

I'm very glad I finally got around to taking this class, it was well worth it. Hopefully it'll stay around for awhile because even though its very 'unstructured', it's also a breath of fresh air. Primarily if a students been going 'full speed', they may be a little burnt out and have lost some of their drive because everythings been a non stop constant. This class however, really lets you reconnect with what originally motivated you to go into this field in the first place.

Structure is good but it isn't everything, if we stayed in this mindset how would we ever have evolved? It's hard sometimes because habit and the 'box' are very comforting and easy to fall back on so you almost have to really push yourself to think of non conventional ways to approach things otherwise your work/effort is just another mindless clone.

I almost dare say that this type of class should be required after a few semesters time just so ones drive can be rekindled. VIVA LA SEEING SIDEWAYS!

1 comment:

spyroterra said...

As always, you were a pleasure to have in class. I hope your experiences here will help you in the future and good luck! Stay in touch.

Peace - Beth