Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Once a douche, always a douche, but still...

Along the lines of what we talked about Monday night (5-19), I'd like to share a revelation that up until then had not dawned on me.

In March of 2001, I attended A PERFECT CIRCLE concert at the Pepsi Coliseum along with my friend with whom both us combined have attended at least 200 concerts in our teenage years. Anyways, halfway through the show a person in front of the 'pit' took a picture and Maynard (the lead singer, also of TOOL) had something to say about it. I forget what his exact words were but they were along the lines of 'not ruining the moment by capturing it.' Afterwards my friend and I immediately went on the defensive and coined him as a douche bag.

So when Beth told us that story about how someone in her family tried to document everything and by doing so ruined the moment, it immediately clicked and I finally understood what this guy was trying to convey. I still consider him a douche but now I understand what he was trying to say.

I suppose my opinion on taking pictures, notes, etc. to capture parts of life are still a bit divided. However, I do believe now that it shouldn't be 'forced' otherwise the spontaneity is lost as well as the magic of the moment.

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